BSc (Hons) Health and Social Care, Anglia Ruskin University, London


NEMOKAMA „all inclusive“ paslauga TAU: greitai ir profesionaliai padedame ruošti stojimo dokumentus. 


Stojimo procesas:

  • Paskaitos 2 kartus per savaitę, 3 metai
  • Pildome stojimo formas
  • Studijos finansuojamos per Student Finance, padedame susitvarkyti
  • £8.000-£16.000 pragyvenimui Londone į metus(suma priklauso kiek metų gyvenate JK ir kiek vaikų turite). Reikia turėti pre ar settled status ar Britanijos pilietybę. 
  • 30% nuolaidą kelionėms (oyster)

Norint Jus pakviesti  į interviu reikia dokumentų kopijų:

  1. Brandos atestato kopijos(12 KL) ar "level 3 qualification"(JK studentai) 
  2. Paso 
  3. CV
  4. Motivation letter (kodėl norite studijuoti), padedame pasirašyti
  5. Bus anglų kalbos testas ir interviu, kuriems padedame pasiruošti

TEL. 07540321275

Greita žinutė


Studijų aprašas:

The healthcare industry plays a crucial role in supporting the economy by maintaining the physical and mental health of the wider workforce. It is anticipated that around 2 million people will need to be trained and recruited before 2022 as a result of the sector’s growth.

This degree course will provide you with a range of opportunities to develop the attitudes, abilities and competences needed to work in a health and social care environment, both home and international. Today’s health and social care organisations are exciting, complex and varied, therefore, successful practitioners require innovation and resilience. This course will offer you opportunities to use real-life case studies which draw on skills such as prioritisation, negotiation and care planning.

Employers from the health and social care sector have been directly involved in the design and development of this course. Collaborations with these sector partners are used to explore those skill sets that employers are most interested in and to constantly ensure they are embedded within the delivery of the course. You will also benefit from lecturers who have significant industry experience.

Upon successful completion of this degree course, you will have obtained considerable skills and knowledge to allow you to pursue a career in health and social care.

Below are indications of the modules you will study

Year 1

Healthcare Environment

Academic and Professional Skills

The Healthcare Professional

Health and Safety in Care Settings

Year 2

Lifecycle Development

Vulnerable Persons

Significant Life Events and Coping

Promoting Health and Wellbeing

Year 3

Contemporary Themes in Healthcare

Comparative Healthcare Systems

Leadership and Change Management

Major Project


We encourage all students to consider their future when choosing what degree to study. We don't expect everyone to know what they want to do after university, but it is important that the associated jobs interest you.

Associated Jobs:

  • Adult Nurse

  • Counsellor

  • Occupational Therapist

  • Physician Associate 

  • Primary Care Graduate

  • Mental Health Worker

  • Social Worker

  • Youth Worker

Dėl daugiau info rašykite ar skambinkit 

TEL. 07540321275 

Greita žinutė


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