Parengia viešbučių vadybininką, gebantį valdyti sektoriaus įmonių ir jų padalinių funkcines veiklas, analizuoti ir vertinti paslaugų verslo aplinką bei joje vykstančius procesus, kurti ir parduoti konkurencingus svetingumo produktus, teikti ir įgyvendinti sprendimus, taikant vadybos, ekonomikos ir kitas profesinei veiklai būtinas žinias, savarankiškai ir kūrybiškai veikti kintančiomis rinkos sąlygomis, profesionaliai ir atsakingai komunikuojant multikultūrinėje verslo aplinkoje
Stojimo procesas:
Parama pragyvenimui:
Galimi darbai:
Accommodation Manager
Catering Manager
Event Manager
Hotel Manager
Public House Manager
Restaurant Manager
Tour Manager
Human Resource Officer
Vietos rezervacija el. paštu ar telefonu: 07540321275,
Driving continual demand for specialist graduates, who both understand the theories of business and have practical experience of this fast paced workplace, Employment in the UK hospitality industry continues to experience significant growth and currently accounts for over 9% of the UK’s total employment, as well as contributing 10% of the UK’s total GDP.
The structure of this degree enables an understanding and evaluation of business concepts of management, whilst preparing graduates for the hospitality sector through the extensive use of case studies, guest speakers and off-site visits. This synthesis allows students to develop their knowledge whilst gaining commercial awareness and expertise within the industry.
The campus is located in the heart of London’s thriving hospitality industry which facilitates the university’s employability team in forging strong relationships and consequent employment opportunities for students.
The hospitality industry continues to develop at a rapid rate which means there continues to be huge demand for graduates who can demonstrate an in-depth understanding of business theory as it applies to the sector, together with relevant employability skills.
Year 1
Hospitality, Tourism and Events Environment
Academic and Professional Skills
Managing Quality in Hospitality, Tourism and Events
Business Finance
Year 2
Customer Service Management for Tourism and Hospitality
Managing Human Resources
Principles and Practice of Marketing
Hospitality Management
Year 3
Global Hospitality and Tourism Issues
Business Strategy
Leadership and Change Management
Hospitality and Venue Management
Major Project